About This Project



The Desert Quartzite Solar Project will consist of several main components:

  • Solar field consisting of 400 MW of single-axis tracking PV Solar

  • 150 megawatts of integrated battery storage (BESS)

  • Project electrical substation

  • Up to three on-site groundwater wells

  • Construction laydown area (inside solar facility perimeter fence)

  • Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Building

  • Roadway system consisting of internal and perimeter roadways

  • A main access with a secondary site/fire access road from 16th Avenue (Seeley)

  • 2.8 mile-long double circuit 220 kV gen-tie line extending from the project substation to the SCE Colorado River Substation

Buried or overhead electrical service line and telecommunications line

Construction would proceed in three sequential phases under separate Notices to Proceed, as follows:

  • Construction of Phase 1 would include pre-construction clearance surveys, construction of the on-site wells, clearing and construction of a laydown yard, parking area, and pad mounts for transformers, as well as vegetation mowing and or removal at the onsite substation site, construction of the on-site substation, construction of the secondary emergency access road, and construction of the Project’s 220kV gen-tie. (February 2023 – December 2024)

  • Construction of Phase 2 will include vegetation mowing and/or removal at the southeasterly site solar array installation areas, installation of operational power and communication lines, site grading and preparation, construction of the O&M building, on-site roads, and assembly and installation of panel blocks, inverters, 150MW of 4-Hour BESS and wiring for 300 MW of solar power. (February 2023 – December 2024)

  • Construction of Phase 3 will include vegetation mowing and/or removal at the northerly site solar array installation areas, site grading and preparation, construction of on-site roads, and assembly and installation of panel blocks, inverters, BESS and wiring for 100 MW of solar power. (Dates TBD)